40+ Texts From Flirting Experts
In comes the flirting experts! If you’re having a dull day, not to worry! We are here to save you and bring a smile, if not laughter, to brighten up your day. Flirting can be very tricky, but sometimes when it goes wrong, it leaves you with the most hilarious conversations. Here’s a list of unfortunate flirting fails that scream pure comedy.
Yes, You’re Cute
This is just another light-hearted way to steer the conversation, showing that the person has an interest in you. Even though there's some conventional wisdom, in terms of striking up similar statements, a reactive approach is always the better option to pick.
Even though most of the time, they are just genuine humor and light-hearted jokes, they tend to create a residual impact that keeps hitting at the back of the mind of the person.