Gwyneth Paltrow's Controversial Lifestyle Tips and Eating Habits Have Been Called Out by Dieticians for How Restrictive They Are

Gwyneth Paltrow is one of those people who’s always making headlines for something or another. Between her conscious uncoupling, Goop’s “science,” and the actress’s overall lack of understanding of how non-celebs live, Paltrow is consistently rubbing people the wrong way. The latest controversy plaguing Gwyneth is that of her wellness routine. But, does her lifestyle really deserve all this criticism?

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has grown extremely popular in recent years, even though experts haven't come to a consensus about its safety or effectiveness. Paltrow explained her method by saying, ​​"I eat dinner early in the evening. I do a nice intermittent fast I usually eat something [at] about 12."

Intermittent Fasting

It's worth pointing out that trying to get through the whole morning without food is like trying to drive a car that hasn't been fueled up - it'll be a bumpy ride at best.

Bone Broth

After intermittent fasting, Paltrow finally has lunch - which is typically just some bone broth. Most bone broths are only around 50 calories per portion, which certainly isn't enough to end a morning of fasting.

Bone Broth

That said, it's important to point out that Gwyneth hasn't specified which type of bone broth she has, or if she adds some sort of protein or veggies to it. Hopefully, she meant that she has more of a soup dish for lunch, rather than truly just liquid.


Something Paltrow does that we can stand by is upholding a healthy exercise routine. The actress explained, ​​"I try to do one hour of movement, so I'll either take a walk or I'll do Pilates or I'll do my Tracy Anderson."


Gwyneth has come under fire for saying that everyone has time in their day to work out. While she may not have phrased herself in the best way, we agree that it's important to try and find time each day to take care of oneself.


Part of Paltrow's daily routine is dry brushing and spending 30 minutes in an infrared sauna right before dinner, an experience which she calls "really detoxifying. It's a real gift to myself."


The difference between a regular sauna and an infrared one is that infrared saunas heat the body, rather than the air around it. Both types of sweat sessions have benefits and risks. Gwyneth knows how important it is to hydrate while in a sauna, so she often sips celery juice during her sessions.